The Summer School programme includes:
- Feedback sessions: you get detailed and constructive feedback on your PhD project.
- Methodological workshops: you get to hone existing competencies and discover new approaches.
- Talks and round tables: you get insights into current scholarly debates and tips on how to tackle life in academia.
In addition, the programme will include social activities and cultural excursions, as well as time to work, write, and explore on your own.
The feedback sessions are structured in thematic strands, meaning you will be grouped with other students working on topics similar to yours. Each strand is led by a senior scholar, and include visits from topic-relevant researchers from around Europe.
The methodological workshops focus on both general competencies and topic-specific challenges. The topic-specific workshops are structured as electives, meaning you get to choose between several options which are the most relevant for you.
More detailed information about the electives, including how and when to choose, will be shared via email and the ECREA Summer School Teams platform by the end of July, 2024.
The Summer School runs over seven full working days and the schedule below should give you an idea of what that will look like.
Summer School schedule